Quick HIV Facts - MSM Statistics
How is HIV Affecting Men Who Have Sex With Men?
In the United States, HIV and AIDS have taken a heavy toll among men who have sex with men (MSM). MSM make up a considerable portion of the HIV population at least in the western world. What is the state of HIV among MSM?
What Activities Present the Highest HIV Risk?
• AIDS has been diagnosed for more than half a million MSM.
• Almost 300,000 MSM with AIDS have died during the past 20 years.• In the 35 areas with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting, 70 percent of all HIV infections (in men, women, and children) diagnosed during 2004 were men and 50 percent of those were MSM.
Should HIV Reporting Be Name-Based?
Risk Factors
It's a proven fact that MSM are at high risk for HIV infection. The main ways MSM get HIV are by
• having sex partners who are HIV-positive and not using condoms
How is HIV Passed From Person to Person
• not using a condom during anal sex
Barebacking Contributes to HIV Among MSM
• sharing needles to inject drugs
HIV Prevention
The good news is that there are ways MSM can help stop the spread of HIV. Some of the things that can be done include:
• MSM should get tested. Knowing their HIV status will protect their health and the health of others. Sexually active MSM should get tested for HIV at least once a year.
5 Reasons to Get Tested for HIV
• The only 100 percent effective method of HIV protection is sexual abstinence. However, seldom is this a realistic method for the long-term. Therefore, to decrease the risk of HIV infection, MSM should always use condoms unless they are in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship in which both partners have been tested and are not HIV infected.
• If MSM choose to have sex outside a steady relationship, they should always use a condom. These MSM should know their HIV status and that of their partner(s).
• If both partners are HIV-positive, they should use condoms to prevent other sexually transmitted infections and possible infection with a different strain of HIV.
"We Are Both Positive - Why Are Condoms Necessary?"
• If MSM inject drugs, they should use clean needles and never share needles or works.
How Can IV Drug Users Decrease Their HIV Risk?
Centers for Disease Control - "A Glance at HIV/AIDS Among Men Who Have Sex with Men"; 1 January 2006.
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